Reel-to-reel tape transferred to Flash Drive or CD: any speed, any head configuration.
21 Years Experience. 5 Star Google Reviews. 3 inch to 7 inch reels.
Do you have old reel-to-reel audio recordings at risk of deteriorating? Curtis Media Transfer, (formerly Reel2Reel2CD.com), can digitize your tapes using cutting-edge technology. Our experts ensure high-quality transfers, preserving your audio for future generations. Digitized files are easier to access and share, safeguarding your valuable recordings—Trust Curtis Media Transfer to secure your audio memories.
Reel-to-Reel Tape Transfer Service
Flash Drive (Thumb Drive): We will carefully digitize each reel-to-reel tape to its digital file (MP3) and place it on a flash drive. The drive will be sent to you with your media in about 2-3 weeks. Thumb drives are a convenient way to store your reel-to-reel tapes and are handy for sharing on other devices with USB ports. Most newer cars now have USB ports, which is a great way to listen to the audio in your vehicle.
CD: A faithful reproduction of your tape audio will be placed on a CD for you to listen to in your home or car.